Why should I sign up for a membership?
Get access to FREE:
- workout videos/photos
- stretching videos/photos
- rolling videos/photos
- workout playlists
- personal health blog
Cool! Sign me up!
Click Below
step by step video
Steps :
Start by clicking on the logo at the top right of the webpage.
Complete the Sign Up form or Log In at the bottom of the form.
From there, you will be prompted to the home of the webpage.
Go back up to the top right right of the webpage and click the logo.
From the drop down menu, click My Account .
Once you are in My Account , you may click one of the options from the menu on the left.
From here, you can enjoy free content such as, workouts, stretches, playlists and more!
If you have any questions or need help, click the chat bubble at the bottom right corner and we will get back to you as soon as we can.
If you have questions about the membership, click on the "?" logo